2013 Picnic a Great One!

Approximately 200 Old Enfield Neighbors and guests met at the home of the Delisi family to enjoy the Annual Picnic. We are thankful to our sponsors for their generous support.

2013 OEHA Picnic

Picnic chairs Marianne Dorman and Kat Smith really outdid themselves and a good time was had by all.

Food was provided by two food trucks, and once again Capital Beverage supplied beer and wine. And of course, the Dessert Contest was highly competitive.

We would like to thank:

  • Doris Cirelli, who organized the contest,
  • Sheila Fleming, who assisted her on the day of the picnic; and,
  • Glenda Flanagan, who invited some food stars to be our judges.

The Dessert Contest judges:

  • Roy Leamon – Texas Monthly
  • Johnny Guffy – Jeffrey’s
  • Caroline Mitchell – Whole Foods


The Dessert Contest Winners:

  • First Place – Jennifer Glass – Chocolate Seduction
  • Second Place – Susan Mack – Lemon Pavlova
  • Third Place – Doris Cirelli – Cheese Cake
  • Honorable Mention – Marianne Dorman – Almond Cake

Contest Winner

Thank you to Annie’s Cafe and Bar for donating extra delicious desserts to make sure we had enough.

And thank you to all the Dessert Contest participants who all brought delicious morsels and shared them!

We would also like to thank the following people who assisted in invaluable ways:

The Delisi Family who opened their beautiful home to us.
The OEHA Board who planned and worked, especially our President, Marlene Romanczak, who traveled all the way from China to help out!
Neighbors, including Tommy and Danny Matson and Reed Sallans who helped set up in the early afternoon, and those good Samaritans who helped clean up when it was over.
Babysitters: Former Murray Lane neighbor Shannon McCann organized a group of girls who included her daughter Jill and Mark and June Chandler’s daughter Katie to help with games for the young children.
Photographer: Mark Matson
Ice Procurer and Carrier: Robyn Leamon
Host gift: Jeffrey’s Restaurant

We will have a big job next year to have an event as fun as this!

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